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Environmental Appeals Board hearing scheduled for November 13th

Media Release
Government of Alberta

Environmental Appeals Board hearing scheduled for November 13th
The Board will hear submissions with respect to appeals filed in relation to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s decisions to issue Approvals to Waste Management of Canada for the Class II Thorhild landfill where more than 10,000 tonnes of waste is disposed of per year.

Edmonton - September 1, 2012 - The Environmental Appeals Board will conduct a hearing on November 13 to16, 2012, commencing at 8:30 a.m. at the Board’s office in Edmonton.

The Board will hear submissions with respect to appeals filed in relation to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s decisions to issue Approvals to Waste Management of Canada Corporation for the Class II Thorhild landfill where more than 10,000 tonnes of waste is disposed of per year, not including hazardous wastes.

The only issues that will be heard are:

1. Do the terms and conditions of the Approvals adequately protect the environment and human health? Environment includes land, wetlands, habitat, and wildlife.
2. Do the Approvals adequately address the potential impacts of the landfill on the groundwater and local wells?
3. Did the Director adequately consider the potential impacts of the landfill on surface run-on and run-off and the surrounding watersheds?
4. Did the Director adequately consider the construction and operation of the landfill? Operations include the types of waste accepted by the landfill, including special waste, and the proposed control of dust, noise, odours, nuisance animals, and fugitive wastes.
5. Are the monitoring programs adequate to protect the environment and human health?
6. Is the Emergency Response Plan adequate?
7. Are the post closure and reclamation conditions adequate?

The Environmental Appeals Board is a separate and independent body that reviews certain decisions made by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. The Board is composed of environmental experts from a variety of disciplines.

Any person, other than the parties, who wishes to make a representation before the Board on this appeal must submit a request by fax or e-mail to the Board. The request must be received by the Board on or before September 10, 2012. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure their request has been received. The request shall contain the name, address, e-mail, and telephone and fax numbers of the person submitting the request, indicate whether the person will be represented by a lawyer or agent, and if so, their name, contain a summary of the nature of the person’s interest in this appeal, and be signed by the person submitting the request. After September 10, 2012 the Board will, in its discretion, determine if other persons may make representations and the manner in which they can be made. The hearing will be open to the public for viewing only.

Copies of materials filed with the Board respecting these appeals are available for viewing at the Thorhild and District Municipal Library during their normal operating hours, or by appointment at the Office of the Environmental Appeals Board in Edmonton.

The information requested is necessary to allow the Environmental Appeals Board to perform its function. The information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 33(c). Section 33(c) provides that personal information may only be collected if that information relates directly to and is necessary for the processing of these appeals. The information provided will be considered a public record.

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