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Follow Me on TwitterDan Allaire is a certified Level 1 Crossfit trainer. He also has Crossfit certifications in Power Lifting as well as Movement and Mobility. Dan is also a Level 1 Agatsu KettleBell instructor and has attended various seminars on paleolithic nutrition, strongman training and Olympic lifting. If you have questions or wish to contact Dan, you can email him at

Vitamin D3 - Get it In You!
Vitamin D3 - Get it In You!

May. 24, 2012: Vitamin D is an essential vitamin, meaning our bodies cannot produce it on its own and the main source for it is direct sunlight contact on the skin, something that can be challenging in this part of the world. Getting sun on your arms and face is not enough. You need exposure on the lighter parts of your body. We’ve been told too much sun is bad for you but not enough sun is even worse in my opinion. FULL STORY

Strong vs. “Bulky”
Strong vs. “Bulky”

May. 17, 2012: It has come up more than a few times over the past number of weeks from both men and women (more from women) who fear lifting weights will cause them to “bulk” up. Let me be blunt, unless you are taking “the juice” or coming to the gym 3 times a day and doing bodybuilding exercises and eating a special diet it is NOT going to happen. Don’t flatter yourself He-man! FULL STORY

Heart and Technique will get you there
Heart and Technique will get you there

Mar. 20, 2012: I attended a strongman seminar last summer with Hugo Girard (2003 World’s Strongest Man) as the coach, needless to say we were gonna lift heavy and we did. The day started like every other seminar, certification, Crossfit class I’ve ever been to or coached. The emphasis was on proper technique before all else. FULL STORY

Good Intentions, Not Good Enough
Randy Glasbergen
Good Intentions, Not Good Enough

Feb. 16, 2012: I have lost count how many times someone has said to me “I’d love to go to the gym but…”. There are many endings to that story and frankly almost all of them are weak. Going to the gym to ensure you are in the best shape possible is a commitment and not just words. You actually have to go and perform a workout and not just talk about it. FULL STORY

Age is just a number, not an excuse!
Age is just a number, not an excuse!

Jan. 31, 2012: I hear people use their age as an excuse for many things. I will start with my personal example and then it will be time to look in the mirror and not just see yourself but dig deep to see if you fall into the ” I’m too old for…” category. Fact of the matter is, age is just a number but far too often we hide behind it and cheat ourselves out of great experiences and healthier, happier life. FULL STORY

Chipping away at your Lifestyle Change In 2012
Chipping away at your Lifestyle Change In 2012

Jan. 3, 2012: Sometimes people take the term lifestyle change and use it in a way that makes it sound easy. It’s not! It is more than doable with the right frame of mind but think about making that statement for a second. Change is not easy anytime and undoing something you’ve been doing for years is no easy feat. FULL STORY

The Journey to a new YOU starts with a Mirror, not a Scale
The Journey to a new YOU starts with a Mirror, not a Scale

Dec. 5, 2011: Too often people use a scale to determine whether they are healthy or not. Truth be told the scale is not an indicator of your health level. That number you are obsessing over, more often than not, is just that - a number. Instead of looking down, look up and into the mirror to judge how healthy you are. FULL STORY

Lets enjoy the Journey Together
Lets enjoy the Journey Together

Nov. 29, 2011: My name is Dan Allaire. I am 38 years old and discovered the benefits of a healthier lifestyle five years ago. Now I am in a position to help you begin yours. I took my passion for health and fitness to the next level and got certified in the Crossfit discipline. FULL STORY

Dan ALLAIRE, Health=Happiness Story Archive
Dan ALLAIRE, Health=Happiness Story Archive

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