Title - Colleen Rutledge
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Follow Me on TwitterColleen Rutledge provides regular contributions to from the Youth Perspective. Colleen is a journalism student at St. Lawrence College in Cornwall, Ontario. If you have questions or wish to contact Colleen, you can email her at
Moving out can be one of the most terrifying experiences of growing up
Colleen Rutledge
St. Lawrence College

Moving out can be one of the most terrifying experiences of growing up
Moving out can be one of the most terrifying experiences of growing up. It might not seem like a big deal to some people, but it is a huge step in the process of maturing into an adult. The biggest problem with moving out seems to be fear of the unknown. Leaving the safety and support of ones parents can be a difficult task to even imagine.

Cornwall - Jan. 9, 2012 - Moving out can be one of the most terrifying experiences of growing up. It might not seem like a big deal to some people, but it is a huge step in the process of maturing into an adult. The biggest problem with moving out seems to be fear of the unknown. Leaving the safety and support of ones parents can be a difficult task to even imagine.

Eric Anderson is currently in the process of moving into his new house in Ottawa, “It’s hard to get your foot out the door. It’s nerve wracking, the concept of being completely independent. The best thing I think would be to be pushed out into the world. Some people need that in life to really get going, and moving out is the first big step.”

“It was hard leaving my mom, dad, friends, and everything I worked hard to create for myself, but moving in with other family members provided me with a combined sense of familiarity and independence.” Says Jessica Barr, a student at Laurentian University.

“Life after moving out is awesome. I moved from a small town to Guelph, which is a cozy and friendly city. I have become more independent and more prepared to take on life's obstacles.” Says Guelph Psychology student Andew Nast.

Luckily, if the correct planning goes into the move, the task can seem quite a bit smaller. There are many shopping checklists available online to help new movers know what they’ll need in a new home. Many who move out for the first time forget a lot of little things they took for granted before moving. Things like oven mitts and basic tools go forgotten until they’re needed. Websites like sqwuakfox and wikihow offer checklists and tips from people who’ve moved multiple times that will help make every thing go more smoothly.

When asked about her experience moving out, St. Lawrence College student Talia Altieri had this to say. “It was actually on my mind weeks before moving. I'd make lists in the middle of the night, recording everything I should bring and considering things I’d need. I started packing a week before actually moving. I also came up with all the foods that I liked and made out meal ideas for each day.”

Former Algonquin student Alex Milton is in the process of finding an apartment with her boyfriend, but has been worrying about how to balance her finances. “The money issue is kind of scary. No matter how much you plan, you can never really be certain how you’ll end up balances your costs and funds.”

It is important to get help from parents, guardians and older friends who have more experience handling their finances. Knowing how to do your taxes, pay bills and manage your bank accounts are things you will need to know to be able to live on your own. Help your parents handle their finances before you move to get first-hand experience with the things you’ll need to know in the future.

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