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Most disruptive European fintech companies
Most disruptive European fintech companies
Lana P

- Sep. 30, 2021: If there’s one thing that can be said with certainty, it’s that the financial market is constantly growing, and Fintech innovations are replacing traditional ways of paying. As you may already know, Europe is one of the pioneers in the technological revolution. With that said, the question that most people want an answer to is which are the most disruptive European fintech companies? FULL STORY

TFSA Limits: what you Need to Know
Getty Images
TFSA Limits: what you Need to Know

Toronto - Jul. 4, 2020: The average net saving for Canadian households, in 2018, was a mere $852. A separate report showed that 32% of Canadians have less than $10,000 in savings. Whilst these figures are actually better than most major economies in the world, it’s never been more important to have a large emergency fund. FULL STORY

Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce  calls for urgent Provincial support
Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce calls for urgent Provincial support
Media Release
Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce

Windsor - Jun. 23, 2020: The Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce along with several local trade and business organizations is calling on the Province to provide urgent support to businesses in the Windsor-Essex region. Windsor-Essex region is the only region in all of Ontario that has not been allowed to proceed to Stage-2 of re-opening. FULL STORY

FAO Statement on Ontario
FAO Statement on Ontario's new TOU rate
Twitter Post
Financial Accountability Office of Ontario

Toronto - Jun. 5, 2020: The new COVID-19 Recovery Rate of 12.8 c/kWh will increase a typical residential ratepayer bill by $16 per month and a typical commercial ratepayer bill by $50 per month compared to suspending time-of-use (TOU) electricity pricing at the lowest "off-peak" rate of 10.1 c/kWh FULL STORY

GetInTheLoop partners with WE Regional Chamber
GetInTheLoop partners with WE Regional Chamber
Media Release

Windsor - Jun. 1, 2020: GetintheLoop Windsor-Essex, in collaboration with the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce, is proud to announce an exciting new program for local businesses. It will assist Windsor-Essex businesses with promoting their available products and services, as the local community starts to re-open. FULL STORY

Ontario introduces a fixed electricity price until October 31st
Ontario introduces a fixed electricity price until October 31st
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - May. 31, 2020: Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, issued the following statement on electricity rate relief measures during the COVID-19 outbreak. To extend this support responsibly, we will introduce a fixed electricity price, known as the COVID-19 Recovery Rate, of 12.8 cents per kWh, which will be automatically applied to all time-of-use customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This fixed electricity price will be in place from June 1 - October 31, 2020. FULL STORY

Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance now open for applications
Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance now open for applications
Media Release

Ottawa - May. 25, 2020: Canadian families and small businesses across the country are feeling the impacts of COVID-19. That’s why the Government of Canada is working with provinces and territories to protect jobs and businesses, and give property owners support so they can help small business tenants make it through these difficult times. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that applications are now being accepted for Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses. FULL STORY

Decision to Freeze Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing To Save Typical Residential Ratepayer $34
Decision to Freeze Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing To Save Typical Residential Ratepayer $34
Media Release
Financial Accountability Office of Ontario

Toronto - May. 22, 2020: The Financial Accountability Office (FAO) has released a new report reviewing the impact of the government’s decision to lower the cost of electricity for residential and some commercial (mainly small businesses and farms) customers during the COVID-19 pandemic by suspending time-of-use (TOU) electricity pricing. FULL STORY

COVID-19 Pandemic Leads to Mixed Results for Canadian Great Lakes-Seaway Ports
COVID-19 Pandemic Leads to Mixed Results for Canadian Great Lakes-Seaway Ports
Media Release
Chamber of Marine Commerce

Ottawa - May. 22, 2020: The shipping industry is starting to notice changes in demand for certain commodities,” says Bruce Burrows, President and CEO of the Chamber of Marine Commerce. “We continue to see an increased demand for Canadian grain for production of bread and pasta, and salt shipments remain strong to replenish municipal reserves following the winter. On the other hand, some Ontario ports are reporting declines in shipments of construction materials like aggregates and petroleum products due to the economic impact of COVID-19. FULL STORY

Reitmans (Canada) Limited Announces its Intention to Restructure its Operations under CCAA
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Reitmans (Canada) Limited Announces its Intention to Restructure its Operations under CCAA
Media Release
Reitmans Group

Montreal - May. 19, 2020: Reitmans (Canada) Limited ("Reitmans" or the "Company") announces today that it is seeking protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (the "CCAA") in order to facilitate its operational, commercial and financial restructuring. Application under the CCAA will be heard by the Québec Superior Court today. FULL STORY