Title - Darcy Neal Donnelly
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Darcy Neal Donnelly is the Ontario Libertarian candidate for the riding of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry. has offered space to each of the provincial candidates to write a column to discuss relevant Provincial issues. Ontarians go to the polls on Thursday October 6, 2011. If you have questions or wish to contact Mr. Donnelly, you can email him at

It has come to my realization that its always about the MONEY
It has come to my realization that its always about the MONEY

Oct. 1, 2011: As the Libertarian candidate engaging in private conversations and in open forum debates with people, it has come to my realization that its always about the MONEY. Politics is people presenting competing economic ideologies regarding other peoples money. FULL STORY

Political campaigning is all fun and games until someone wins an election
Political campaigning is all fun and games until someone wins an election

Sep. 24, 2011: Political campaigning is all fun and games until someone wins an election. We, competing candidates are all playing our own game while trying to play the public's game. What's the game? Ontario Libertarian candidate Darcy Neal Donnelly explains his view on the issue. FULL STORY

Ontario Libertarians promote themselves as the Party of Choice
Ontario Libertarians promote themselves as the Party of Choice

Sep. 19, 2011: We Libertarians support and promote individual liberty, self initiative and personal responsibility for ourselves while engaging in voluntary associations and voluntary free trades in a competitive free market system. We promote ourselves as the Party of Choice. You are free to vote as you see fit. FULL STORY

Ontario Libertarian candidate wants to reduce government, taxes
Ontario Libertarian candidate wants to reduce government, taxes

Sep. 9, 2011: Please allow me to throw in our Libertarian big issues (platform). We want to reduce government, reduce taxes and return to all citizens their own freedom to create their own monies. Darcy Neal Donnelly believes that each person is driving their own political issue. It is up to the individual person to engage themselves in their own political freedom. FULL STORY

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